
Occupational health and safety

The commitment of management teams, as well as visible leadership in health and safety management, is the main driving force behind the integration of the Safety Culture. This active commitment aims to achieve operational excellence in all activities and territories where the COBRA Group is present.

The company's Safety Culture is based on 5 commitments inherent in all Group personnel, as set out in the Occupational Risk Prevention Plan:

  1. Commitment to team consultation and participation through Incident Reporting (IR) and Safety Improvement Actions (SIA).
  2. Commitment to education, training and information on occupational risks and prevention measures.
  3. Commitment to effective supervision in the field with pre-task talks on risks and preventive measures.
  4. Commitment to continuous improvement in health and safety through high quality technology and means of protection.
  5. Commitment to monitoring safety standards through Safety Inspections (SIs).

The Group's top priority is to achieve ZERO ACCIDENTS

Promoting and consolidating an authentic Safety Culture

COBRA Group is not only committed to compliance with regulatory recommendations and obligations, it also includes more demanding policies that help to achieve operational excellence, ensuring the safety of teams, clients and collaborators at all times.


The Stop Work policy gives all workers the power, authority and duty to stop any activity that is not 100% safe.

The Stop Work policy is part of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and reinforces responsible and prudent team behaviour to achieve continuous improvement in all activities.

Committed to protecting people;
Our priority is to achieve ZERO accidents


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