

3 April, 2018

Grupo Cobra will undertake the improvement of the potable water and sewage system in two municipal capitals of Guatemala

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Last January, the Cobra Group, through its subsidiary Cobra Infraestructuras Hidráulicas (CIH), was the preferred bidder in the first phase of two of the six municipal capitals for improvements in the potable water system and the sewerage system , which are included in the drinking water and sanitation program for human development (Phase I).

The project has funds from the UNOP (Office of the United Nations Services Unit for Projects) to which the Government of the Republic of Guatemala has adhered.

The complete project is located between the municipalities of San Marcos, Esquipulas Palo Gordo, San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Cristóbal Cucho, San José El Rodeo and San Pablo delimited in the San Marcos region located in the west of the country. It aims to develop in six stages and carry out the construction of 143,600 meters of public networks for the distribution of drinking water, 46,100 meters of public sanitation networks, and twelve wastewater treatment plants.

CIH will build the municipal capitals of San Marcos and Esquipulas Palo Gordo that will be developed within a period of 24 and 18 months respectively.

In the San Marcos capital, the main actions will focus on improving the potable water system that will take domestic supply to 7,520 homes through 30,108 meters of public network with PVC pipes from 2 “to 12” in diameters. In addition, the electrical connections of 5 wells, the replacement of 2 pumps and the construction of a new well with all the equipment will be improved. The construction of five storage tanks will be undertaken, one of 500m3, two of 400 m3 and two of 300 m3, all of them in reinforced concrete.

As for the sewerage network, 1,840 housing connections will be undertaken through 12,900 meters of PVC pipes from 6 “to 60″ in diameter. The project will have four WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant), of which two will be built from scratch and the others will be remodeled.

Por otra parte, en el municipio de Esquipulas de Palo Gordo, las principales actuaciones serán en el sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable que llevará agua de uso domestico a 655 viviendas a través de 27.647 metros de red publica con tuberías de PVC y H.G. de 6” a 8” de diámetros. Se mejorará y construirá captaciones y bombas de 55HP, además de dos tanques de almacenamiento de hormigón armado y con capacidad para 250 m3.

En cuanto a la red de alcantarillado se actuará en 490 conexiones con viviendas a través de 2.982 metros de tuberías de PVC de 8” a 24” de diámetro. El proyecto contará con la construcción de una nueva PTAR.

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