27 November, 2023COBRA INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT and its most representative Spanish companies renew certification in the UNE 19.601 “CRIMINAL COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” and ISO 37.001 “ANTI-BRIBERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”
On November 22, 2022, the most representative Spanish companies of COBRA GESTIÓN DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS have renewed the certificates issued by AENOR that certify the existence of normative procedures, as established in the UNE 19.601 “CRIMINAL COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” and ISO 37.001 “ANTI-BRIBERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”.
The objective of the UNE 19.601 standard is to establish a structure and methodology to implement management models in organizations to prevent any non-compliance. On the other hand, the ISO 37.001 standard offers companies a model to prevent, detect, and manage bribery and corruption behaviors, complying with both national and international legislation.
Obtaining both certificates certifies that these companies have an effective management system to prevent, detect, and analyze criminal behavior, complying with current legislation and other voluntarily acquired commitments, assuming that it is a process of continuous improvement. Additionally, it implies a competitive advantage in generating trust among business partners (clients, suppliers, creditors, public agencies, etc.), both public and private, nationally and internationally.